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10, 11 Bloc E, St. Rennes, Hay Al Ikhlas, Nador, Morocco

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When it comes to the success of your Business,
Strategy is everything.

It’s the foundation for your success.
It’s do or die.

A brand is more than your logo.
What is the essence of who you are?
We’re convinced that a STRONG BRAND should be felt in everything you do and say.

We learn about your business, your competitors, your customers & users’ needs
and translate them to unique strategy, to ensure a competitive edge and to help you win.

Branding is at the heart
of everything we do.

Media Techly is a digital Marketing agency based in Nador, Morocco specialized in brand design and visual identity, we offer you several solutions to define an original visual identity for your company or your brand, we guarantee you a captivating, innovative and unique image. that helps you grow, attract new customers and reach new markets.

A visual identity allows your company or your brand to be easily identified by customers, this identity is basically formed by the creation of a simple, unique and above all coherent logo and adapted to your activity, this after a study of the target market. and your specialties. We use strategy and design to connect brands and customers through things they love.

Your brand identity is a visual system of branded elements that work together to identify your business. These elements form your brand guidelines, which can be used to help communicate your brand identity in the future.

Why Branding & Strategy?

You have an idea and you don’t know how to conceive it, tell us what will make you happy and we will make it happen for you! Our experts listen to you in order to implement your ideas and accompany you step by step to deliver a very personalized project in the end.

Media Techly‘s Strategies help companies create a strong presence in whatever field they desire, so we work to help our partners create great experiences for their clients.

Our Goals

The goal of our agency is to turn your vision into reality, by dint of our brand and visual identity design services. Our implementation respects your plans and requirements, we promise that your final deliverable will be of the highest quality, fully satisfactory and completely sustainable and truly represents your business or brand. The different tools that we adapt for the creation of your visual identity:


Consider your overall
business strategy.

A strong, well differentiated brand will make growing your firm much easier. But what type of firm do you want? Are you planning to grow organically? Your overall business strategy is the context for your brand development strategy, so that’s the place to start. If you are clear about where you want to take your firm, your brand will help you get there.


Identify your
target clients.

Who are your target clients? If you say “everybody” you are making a very big mistake. Our research clearly shows that high growth, high profit businesses are focused on having clearly defined target clients. The narrower the focus, the faster the growth. The more diverse the target audience, the more diluted your marketing efforts will be. So how do you know if you have chosen the right target client group? That’s where the next step comes in.


Research your
target client group.

Research helps you understand your target client’s perspective and priorities, anticipate their needs and put your message in language that resonates with them. It also tells you how they view your business’s strengths and your current brand. As such, it dramatically lowers the marketing risk associated with brand development.


Develop your
brand positioning.

You are now ready to determine your firm’s brand positioning within the professional services marketplace. How is your firm different from others and why should potential clients within your target audience choose to work with you? A positioning statement is typically three to five sentences in length and captures the essence of your brand positioning. It must be grounded in reality, as you will have to deliver on what you promise. It must also be a bit aspirational so you have something to strive for.

Develop your
messaging strategy.

Your next step is a messaging strategy that translates your brand positioning into messages to your various target audiences. Your target audiences typically include potential clients, potential employees, referral sources or other influencers and potential partnering opportunities, to name a few of the usual suspects.


Develop your name,
logo and tagline.

For many firms, a name change is not required. But if you are a new firm, are undergoing a merger or are burdened with a name that no longer suits your positioning, a name change may be in order. Even if you don’t change your firm name, a new logo and tagline may make sense to better support your brand positioning. Remember, your name, logo and tagline are not your brand. They are ways to communicate or symbolize your brand. You must live it to make it real. And don’t make the mistake of showing the new logo around internally to get a consensus. The name, logo and tagline are not for you. They are for your marketplace and should be judged on how well they communicate, not how much the partners like them.


Develop your content
marketing strategy.

We could have called this step “develop your marketing strategy.” But we didn’t. Instead we call for a content marketing strategy. Remember that your brand strength is driven by both reputation and visibility. Increasing visibility alone, without strengthening your reputation, is rarely successful. That’s why traditional “awareness-building” advertising or sponsorships so often yield disappointing results. On the other hand, content marketing increases both visibility and reputation at the same time. It is also the perfect way to make your brand relevant to your target audiences. Case closed.


Implement, track,
and adjust.

This final step in the brand development process may be one of the most important. Obviously a winning brand development strategy doesn’t do much good if it is never implemented. You might be surprised at how often that happens. A solid strategy is developed and started with all the good intentions the firm can muster. Then reality intervenes. People get busy with client work and brand development tasks get put off… then forgotten. That’s why tracking is so important. We strongly recommend tracking both the implementation of the plan as well as results. Did the strategy get implemented as planned? What happened with the objective measures, such as search traffic and web visitors? How many new leads, employee applications and partnering opportunities were generated? Only by tracking the entire process can you make sure you are drawing the right conclusions and making the right adjustments.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

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    from Mon-Sat, 10 AM to 6 PM

    +212 5 36 38 38 23


    Our customer care is open
    from Mon-Sat, 10 AM to 6 PM